Muddy Britches Primitives

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Traditions...

Here we are upon another Thanksgiving. We will have a house full with my mother and father in law coming up from Georgia. Bless their hearts, we never make it home because of jobs or some other reason. They have driven the 450 miles to North Carolina for as long as we've been married. It is a good time and I always wear myself out cooking, of course.

I've been cleaning and preparing like a mad woman and I got to thinking about the traditions that we share every year. One of those traditions is a Thanksgiving tree. We all write down two blessings (on stained hang tags) that we are thankful for that have happened the year before. I keep them in a box separated by year. During dinner, I read last years blessings.  We've been doing this for five years now and it is a blessing in itself!  So, what are your Thanksgiving traditions?

I haven't been doing any Christmas related dolls this year. I am focusing on a craft show in the spring. It will be my very first show and I'm so nervous. I have NO clue how to do it, but we'll figure it out. I hope to do one or two more besides it in the fall. It's been real difficult not to delve into Santas and Snowmen because that is my favorite things to do, but I've been diving into Daffodils and rabbits!

I hope to post more in the new year. It's been difficult to get my words together with so much going on with moving, but we're finally settling in now and I can concentrate more on Muddy Britches again!

God bless all of you this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

Much Love,

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