Muddy Britches Primitives

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What is a blessing, La La?

This is the question posed to me today by my five year old granddaughter, Robin. Of course, my first reply to her was, "Well, you are, Robin Bird."  Then I proceeded to explain that our days are filled with blessings from God. As we were talking two doves landed in the yard. I just love these days when the spontaneous happens and the time you spend with your children and now in my case, my grandchildren, are the most memorable.

She went back to playing and me back to my laundry. I was grumbling a bit in my mind but then I remembered two things.. one a Bible verse...Philippians 2:14 says: Do all things without murmurings and disputings. Also, I remembered this email I received once.. you know one of those chain things. Well, this one I read. It talked about being thankful that the laundry was there because you had enough clothes, or washing dishes because you had food to dirty them up. WOW! Talk about stopping in my tracks. So, I am thankful for all that I can do because so many aren't even physically able! 
I will look at the sunrise and sunset more often and thank God it is there. I will thank Him for the sun and the rain because we need both. Praise God from whom ALL blessings come!

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