Muddy Britches Primitives

Monday, January 11, 2010


Okay, I'm still alive! We have all been so sick that the doctor wanted to put one of us in the hospital, namely me. However, the Mother of the family can't get sick, right? So.. it took six weeks and I'm still sniffly, but I'm still kickin'.

Having a bit of my energy back, I've been busy today cleaning house really good. I'm so ready to start sewing again. If you are a fellow doll maker, you know how that fabric and sewing machine faintly call your name. About the only thing I've been able to keep up with is the kitchen and laundry. I still have to finish taking the Christmas tree down.

I am hoping to finish a Valentine doll that I've been fiddling with this week. I may just move on to Springy stuff as Valentines is just not my thing. Now, don't think that I'm unlucky in love as I have the most wonderful husband of twenty-two years, BUT I've never been the Valentiney type of gal. I'd much rather have my pick up truck and blue jeans than diamonds and frilly things. I do like to play with dolls though. It's all good, right!?

With that said, I'll post some more pictures very soon of Muddy Britches prims for 2010! If you do Facebook, you can add my page by searching for Muddy Britches Primitives. I'd love to see you there!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is the best ever. I know I am looking forward to 2010 as 2009 was a bit rough for our family. God bless you and yours!